Found An Orphaned Or Injured Animal?

Provide bedding material such as shredded newspaper, fleece, or a tight-weaved towel or blanket. Beware of loose threads that can entangle the animal.

Warmth is crucial for babies and compromised animals. Use a hot water bottle, microwave a bean bag, or fill a sock with rice or beans and microwave it. Wrap in a towel and place it near the animal in their container.

Place the secured animal in a warm, dark and quiet area.
Always move slowly around an injured animal, and if you must talk, speak in a low, calming voice.

Do not "pet" them, hold them, or attempt to feed them as this can cause additional stress. Remember, you are their predator and they are terrified of you, even if they don't show it.
Never feed an animal or give them water in its mouth if they are unresponsive, cold, dehydrated, or emaciated. This can cause sudden death.
Unfortunately, due to severed allergies, we are unable to accept raccoons.
If you have found a raccoon or are looking for a wildlife rehabilitation centre closer to you,
please visit this link: Ontario Wildlife Rescue